Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Who are you and what have you done with my daughter?

So Sabrina is now 3. And I'd really like to know where my daughter is and who on earth has possessed her body in the meantime. This girl is CRAZY. One minute, she'll be totally fine and sweet and telling us all about her imaginary friends and the next minute, she's screaming bloody murder about nothing that I can immediately discern. And she'll totally be losing her mind. It's impressive, really.

She'll also refuse to agree with you on anything, no matter what it is. We were driving in the car the other day and she was angrily refuting everything either John or I had to say. Finally, out of desperation and frustration, John said "Sabrina, the sky is blue." "NOOOOOOOO," came the scream from the backseat, "It's GREEN. It's GREEN! IT'S GREEEEEEEEEEN!"

Well, at least you can laugh at a moment like that. If you don't laugh, you'll just start losing your ever-loving-mind, and my mind is on a pretty thin string as it is these days.

I guess there's grace in knowing that this isn't really my daughter, not really. I mean, this is not her true personality. If so, I'd commit both of us to a professional's care right now. It's just that she's three and trying really, really hard to figure out how to be independent. Which, when you're still this little, is a very tall order in such a big world.

I just think that I may need to keep an exorcist on speed-dial for awhile. Or at least a mental care professional....for me, not for her.