Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Let it snow

So I'm being a bad mom today. Well, that's relative, I suppose. It's snowing outside, and has been since at least 2:30am, which is when I first got up to feed Nathan. (Yup, he's almost 13 months old and yup, he still gets up to feed in the middle of the night. That's probably the topic of an entry all on its own.) Anyway, it's really pretty out there, but I have a theory about driving in snow - don't do it if you don't have to. Although I did grow up in Colorado, I lived in California for 10 years, and my snow driving skills are a bit rusty. Plus, anytime I feel driving might be risky and I have the kids with me, well, that gives me pause.

So Sabrina isn't going to preschool this morning. And I feel almost gleeful in my decision. Not that I want her to miss school, per se, but I don't really mind that she's missing THIS school. In the 2 months that she's been there, I've had a few issues with the staff there. I'm not happy with the administrative staff, and I also don't like the assistant teacher in her classroom. She's clearly insecure in her authority over the kids, and the kids obviously can feel that, because anytime she's alone with them, it's total pandemonium.

If I'm dropping Sabrina off and it's just this assistant teacher there (we'll call her Miss M) and the lead teacher (we'll call her Miss T) isn't there yet, I won't leave Sabrina there until Miss T arrives. Miss M usually has to go get another teacher to help her restore order in the classroom, and she overcompensates by nearly yelling at the kids and getting right in their faces. If I didn't think highly of Miss T, which I do, I'd have yanked Sabrina out of there awhile ago.

As for the administration, I've gone to them a couple of times with questions or concerns and felt that I was basically dismissed without much consideration. And that makes me mad. I'm paying plenty of money for my daughter to go there - you may very well be the director of the place or what have you, but that doesn't make any decision you make automatically correct or sound.

Needless to say, I've found a new school for Sabrina to attend this summer and next fall, but they don't have any current openings. And I really do like Miss T, the lead teacher in her classroom. And I don't want to change Sabrina's world again until I really have to, because this move to Colorado was big enough to last us all awhile. So she'll stay put until we can move her over to the new school this summer, unless something happens that I just can't stand any longer.

So no school today for us. We'll just play here at home, do some laundry, and then go play in the snow. Sounds a lot better than school to me!