Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hello (again) world!

Okay, so it has been way, way, WAY too long since my last post. I know you hate excuses as much as I do, so I won't blab on about just how crazy everything has been. Which, of course, is true, but nevertheless.

Here's a few things that have gone on since my last post:
1. We bought a house. And moved 3 days before Thanksgiving, which resulted in much insanity, but hey, we have a house! It's ours - well, it really belongs to the bank, but what else is new?? They of course are expecting money on a regular basis, which sure makes it feel like ours!
2. One of our beloved cats got out and was missing for 3 days. If you aren't a pet person, this won't mean much to you, but if you happen to love animals as much as I do, you'll understand that I was absolutely frantic. Our cats are indoor-only and we lived in a neighborhood that had a lot of wildlife, such as coyotes and foxes...need I say more? We were very, very lucky that a neighbor around the corner saw our cat in her backyard 3 days later and found one of our "Missing Cat" flyers and gave us a call. Our beloved Danger Kitty (yes, that's really her name) is back. Whew!
3. The economy has been rotten. News, right? Hardly, I know. But it has hit our home as much as any other, and one of my biggest freelance clients laid off all of their contractors, which included me. Not good. Not good at all.
4. Did I mention I was pregnant? Oh, yeah! I'm pregnant with Baby #3 and while I'm terribly excited, I had a rotten first trimester. Hard under most circumstances, nearly impossible with two small children under the age of 4 who don't even KNOW about the baby, much less care why Mommy is so sick and tired. Luckily, that stage has passed - the first trimester, that is, not my kids caring why I can't be 100% all the time - and I'm really starting to enjoy the pregnancy again.
5. Life in general - John traveling, me backing the car into the (closed) garage door, the stomach flu going through the house, etc., etc., etc.
6. Christmas! With family in town and trying to be a good little Santa with the economy in the toilet. Sound familiar?
7. Sabrina turned 4. So, so hard to believe my little girl is that big! She has been really insane lately, full of talking back and refusing to listen to directions or well, anything I have to say. I feel like I'm talking to this insolent teenager, only a miniature one. I'm truly afraid to think of what she'll be like when she is a real teenager. But in the meantime, I often feel like I'm floundering, trying to find an effective way to parent her that doesn't include yelling or going insane. (Both of which seem like reasonable options more often than I'd like to admit.)

Whew. So I'm sorry I've been MIA. I promise to do better. And hey, what is a better New Year's resolution than to say I'll be here on a daily basis, keeping you caught up on our little life of mayhem?? Okay. So I'll see you tomorrow! Happy New Year!