Friday, June 13, 2008

The terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day

Holy cow, am I ever in a bad mood today. Why? Not so sure. Yes, the fact that Nathan woke up at 4:45am to nurse and never went back to sleep might have something to do with it. But that's really kind of a regular occurrence and not one that usually turns me into the Grinch.

John has gingerly suggested that maybe it is all my changing hormones and he's probably right. I somewhat recently weaned Nathan back to only nursing at his bedtime and the (oh-so-early) morning feed. The rest of the day, he's on his own. So yes, my hormones have been shifting because of that, but we've been on this schedule for a couple of weeks now. You'd think my body would have adjusted. And of course, since I haven't actually ovulated or had a period since we conceived Mr. Nathan, and we don't use birth control because it seems I really don't ovulate when I'm nursing, my mind has jumped ahead and thought "Hey, cool, baby on board...?"

But it seems very unlikely, since I really don't seem to ovulate until I wean completely. It was that way with Sabrina, and seems that way now. So it's just an additional mind trick to play on an already cranky mind. Not cool.

Blech. I need a nice fuzzy frothy drink, like say a strawberry margarita, and a warm sunny beach to lie on for a few hours, with no demands or guilt or needs placed on me. Which just makes me all the more cranky to contemplate.


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