Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So I got a pedometer, after wanting one off and on for a long time. I actually got it as a reward through my gym, which I thought was, it was free, which is always a good thing!

Anyway, I strapped the thing on this morning, confident that I'd be happily surprised by my total by the end of the day. They say that you should aim for 10,000 steps a day. Surely with chasing after two small children and going up and down our stairs what feels like 10,000 times a day alone, I would come pretty close, I thought.

So it's now 3:40pm, which one could say is relatively near to the end of the day. I mean, obviously, it isn't midnight or anything, but the kids should be in bed in the next 4 hours and things will slow down considerably after that. And at this point, I have a grand total of (drum roll, please...) 2180 steps.

Not exactly the 10,000 I thought I'd easily rack up. I guess they intend for you to include a workout (most probably a walking one) and do things like park at the end of parking lots so you have farther to go, etc., etc. And I haven't worked out today because I'm fighting off a stomach bug that Sabrina brought home from preschool. So maybe if I had gone to the gym and left the little counter on, I'd be closer.

But still. An 8,000 deficit? Sheesh. Guess these flip flops ain't meant for walkin.'

The good news is, I'm just stubborn enough and competitive enough that I'm going to aim for that 10,000. And yes, I'll be going to the gym tomorrow. Does the elliptical machine count? We'll find out!

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