Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A multi-tasking marvel? Or disaster?

So I'm back. Again. And yes, it has been too long. Again.
People, I just don't know how to do it all and it frustrates me no end. I'm a mom to 3 kids under the age of 5 and I work part-time from home. Between those 2 things, I'm fried. Stick a fork in me, 'cuz I'm done.
But here's the thing - I want and need a life that's at least a little bit about me. I'd like to at least be on the radar screen. And writing, while that's also my career, is the thing that I'd like to have more time to do. For this blog, and also in terms of getting some mommy-related writing done that I could possibly earn some income from, like articles and the like.
Sigh. See what just happened there? It started out about me (me!) and instantly turned to earning income, which is about this family and not really about me.
Is there no dividing the 2? Seems possibly not. I don't know. How do the rest of you do it? How are you a good mom, a good wife (don't even get me started on that), a good employee and hey, a good YOU?

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