Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It ain't over

So my symptoms have continued, despite being on antibiotics for the UTI for 4 days. Usually, relief from antibiotics with such things is quick and thorough. Not so much this time.

Not much fun, this. And I don't get what is going on. So I finally called the clinic today and talked with a nurse who was actually very understanding. It would be so easy for anyone to just dismiss me and say that this is all just part of being pregnant and having a UTI, but she really listened. And seemed to actually get that I'm not functioning well and that I'm miserable. And worried, because I have found myself limiting my liquids, just because I can't stand the non-stop trips to the bathroom and mentally mapping out my errands in terms of the closest potty.

So they're having me come in on Thursday to get checked, have an ultrasound to see where the baby is (possible the baby's head is just banging around on my bladder, I suppose), and to check my glucose level.

And that's what's got me spooked - I looked up gestational diabetes, and although I have none of the risk factors, one of the symptoms it mentions is an increased need to urinate. Which is so me right now.

I know, I know, gestational diabetes can be managed and I suppose everything will be fine if that's the diagnosis. But I eat well. I work out. I haven't gained much weight. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing, and this still might be happening...?

Sigh. I'll keep you posted.

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