Sunday, February 8, 2009

Maybe I'm crazy after all

The test results are back. I am not diabetic. The clinic accidentally threw away my urine sample, but my doctor strongly doubts that I have another UTI as I am finishing antibiotics for the first one.

So the official prognosis is "bad luck" and I've been advised by my doctor to "keep holding it in there!' Yes, she literally said that.

In other words, this is miserable but apparently part of the pregnancy, and she hopes it will resolve after the baby is born. In 3 months.

I'm frustrated to many extremes by this. For one, life is pretty miserable when all you have to do is go to the bathroom. What a pathetic thing to be fixated on. For another, this is in all probability my last pregnancy, and I'd really like to enjoy the last 3 months. The final trimester has always been my favorite, being all round and funny and feeling the baby move around. It will be much less fun like this.

Again, I get it that many women would pay big bucks to be in my shoes, pee and all, and to them I duck my head respectfully. I know that this seems petty in a lot of ways. (Or potty. Ha ha.)

But in the day-to-day sense, the "how do I function with two small children and work and a life when I walk around all day miserable?" sense, I feel frustrated. And angry. And incredulous that there's nothing to be done.

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