Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mom vs. Mom

So this is a topic that's kind of tricky. It's a secret, sort of, but not really. It's about how we moms are REALLY judgemental about other moms and vice versa. See? You know exactly what I'm talking about...except it's something that very few of us will cop to it. I guess no one wants to admit that they're guilty of it, but the truth is that I think most of us are.

Anyway, I was dropping Sabrina and Nathan off at school and overheard one of the other mothers of a 2-year-old chatting with a teacher and saying "Yeah, wow, Tom [not really his name] is just so tired all the time, and I don't know what to do about it." And the teacher goes "Oh yeah? What time does he go to bed?" "Oh," said the mom, "I dunno. Around 9pm."

At which point I'm sure my eyes widened, but hopefully no one saw it. And you know what I was thinking, don't you: "OMG, your kid goes to bed at 9pm? And he's 2? And you can't figure out WHY HE'S SO FREAKING TIRED ALL THE TIME??"

Yeah, hmmm, judge much? The thing is that yes, I do. And so do you. Admit it. We all do. And it's not like I'm the perfect parent, far from it! I'm absolutely sure other parents watch and hear me and think all sorts of judge-y things about me too.

The question is, why are we against each other like this? Why wasn't my first instinct to think "Oh, there must be a reason why he goes to bed that late and maybe there are other factors, like maybe he's not napping well." Not "You suck as a mother! Put your kid to bed earlier!"


1 comment:

sexymama08 said...

i totally agree with you on this subject i've done the same thing many many many times not quite sure and i have no prob admitting it(not sure if thats a good thing) I think maybe we do it as a way of making ourselves feel better about our own short comings as a mother or maybe a way of reminding ourselves that there isnt a perfect mum out there.... who knows?