Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Flat Little Noggin

So there's always something to worry about in motherhood. Always. If not one thing, there's five. Right now, my main obsession is the fact that Nathan has a flat spot on his head. I've mentioned this before. I guess this is pretty common these days, what with babies sleeping on their backs, etc. But it makes me feel terrible because it also means that we put him down a lot. (Which is almost a given when you also have a crazy two-year-old to take care of, but that doesn't change my guilt about it.) And when you look these things up on the web, you can find anything from "Don't worry about it, it will go away when the baby is older" to "Get your baby to a pediatric neurosurgeon right away!" Ack!

So I called my doctor's office and they had me talk to the nurse. She could not have been less helpful. She said that when the baby was awake, to have him be on his tummy. Well, for one thing, he's only three months old. He can't really lift his head up to look around when he's on his tummy, so he just flails around, whining miserably. For that very understandable reason, he hates being on his tummy. And for one, big, bazooka of a reason, I have a whirling tornado of a two-year-old who would trample him if he was just hanging out in the middle of the floor. But the nurse was adamant, and totally uninterested in discussing it further with me. Put him on his tummy.

Well, I'll try. But dang it, it just doesn't seem like that's the only answer. Or at least, there should be an answer I like better. I think I'll call again tomorrow and talk to the other nurse. When you don't like the answer you've been given, get a different answer from someone else, is what I say.

1 comment:

Feltadoodle said...

You're doing a great job as a mom! Just wanted to give you a little encouragement that the 'flat noggin' thing will in all likely-hood sort itself out. The fact that you're concerned about it and paying attention pretty much guarantees your little guy will get through it just fine.

In another month or two he will be more interested in being on his tummy and it sure sounds like he's not spending much time lying down during the day : )

Anyway, don't feel bad about it - Puting him on his back is what you are supposed to do - you're being a responsible Mom. If it's still a problem when he's 8 months old or so, you still have lots of time before those little cranial plates fuse to intervene.

My oldest is four and had to be on her side while on a ventilator from age two to eight weeks due to a rare birth defect. As a result, the side of her head was REALLY flat. We had to work a little on positioning her, but it completely resolved without a helmet. My youngest is 16 months and also had a little flat spot for a bit. Couldn't even tell it was ever there there by time he was 9 months old.

Hang in there - my hunch is that you'll be Ok - and without neurosurgery or helmets : )