Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Okay, so I pretty much suck. At least when it comes to keeping up with this blog, although I'm sure there are other ways as well. I don't even really know why I haven't written in this blog for so long, other than it felt like no one was really out there and I was kind of in a room by myself, prattling on and on out loud about my life as a mother. Which of course I find fascinating, since it's my life and all, but it felt like maybe no one else found it all that compelling.

Since then, I've gotten some messages from people out there and it's really kind of nice to know that a few people are paying attention. And hey, they may even get what I'm saying. And better yet, they even think it's worth hearing.

So cool. I'm back. And boy, has life gone on this total warp speed thing. Sabrina is nearly 3 now and is still crazy, crazy, crazy, but she's also totally smart and funny and constantly blowing my mind with what a complete little person she is becoming. Nathan will be 8 months later this week, which is also completely blowing my mind, and he's just this round, joyful little guy who completely lights up my life and steals my heart.

We're considering moving to Colorado. Well, more than considering it. Our place is up for sale here in California, and once it actually sells, we're going to buy a house in Colorado and move. We just need this place to sell. Soon. Please.

Gone, oh so gone, are the days when there was such a demand for housing in this region that the minute any property went on the market, there was an immediate bidding war to get it. There still seems to be interest, but people are taking their time and they have a ton of properties for sale to choose from. Which is a long and tortuous process for those of us selling.

Plus, we had to pack up a bunch of our stuff and put it in storage to make the place look more attractive to buyers. Which meant that a lot of Sabrina's stuff got packed up too. And now we regularly have to do a complete scouring of the place to get it ready to show, at least once a week. And if you have any idea of life with a toddler, you know that it is literally impossible to get, much less keep, a house clean with a 2-year-old around. I mean it. It is physically impossible. So the kids have to be whisked out of the house by one parent while the other parent manically cleans for a couple of hours, and then you all have to stay out of the house while the people come look at it or during the open house. All of which is hugely stressful for everyone, including Sabrina, who just wants her toys out and wants to make a mess without us panicking and telling her we have to keep the house clean, and to stop hearing about people coming to see her house.

I totally get that, by the way. This is her house, why should she be forced to leave while people come tramping through her house, her space, the one area that is supposed to be sacred in such a big world? I get it. And my heart breaks, because as a parent who just so happens to want people to come see the place so that maybe they'll want to buy it, what are you supposed to do? It's gotta be done.

Sigh. I know this is only the tip of the iceberg. The move itself is going to be even more crazy and even more stressful. I'm not looking forward to that. But I am ready, oh am I ever ready, to just get on with it. Just do it. Just buy a house and deal with the whole thing and move and just finally be there and settle in and start our lives again. Because this part? This whole waiting and not knowing when our place will sell or when we'll be moving exactly, this sucks.

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