Thursday, April 19, 2007

Nursing Woes

So the nursing woes continue. I stopped by a nursing store yesterday (the good thing about liberal ol' Northern California is that we have such things, I suppose!) and spilled my tale of woe to the cashier. Hey, in a crisis, anyone who will listen will do. She actually listened quite nicely, suggested that I use these 'comfort pads' in my bra, and pump after I feed my baby to make sure that all the milk is being emptied from my breasts.

Well, I'm here to tell you that pumping doesn't feel a whole lot better than nursing does right now, but somehow I'm feeling better about the whole thing. I guess it helps to have some sort of plan of action, even if the plan comes from the cashier at the nursing store. Plus, I will get to see the actual lactation consultant tomorrow, and I hope she's ready. I may actually run, not walk, to get into her office.

Other than that, my inner-mom-angel and inner-mom-devil are battling it out right now. When Sabrina wakes up from her nap, I should really get both kids collected and go to the kids' museum or something equally stimulating. But part of me just wants to say screw it, because just getting both of them ready to actually leave the house can be exhausting. Much less balancing a newly-potty-trained toddler and a nursing infant (never mind the whole nursing pain issue) in public. The good mom would just sigh, load up the good ol' diaper bag and go with high hopes for a relatively smooth outing. The bad mom would just sigh, say it isn't worth it, and turn on "Curious George" for everyone's viewing pleasure instead. I still don't know who will win. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.