Thursday, April 12, 2007

Trying to Focus...

So I'd like to sit here and write something profound and funny...but my two-month-old, placed just minutes ago in his bassinet fast asleep, is already making noises that mean my free time is limited. Plus, my two-year-old is also asleep, but that can't possibly last much longer either.

I just managed to gobble down lunch at 3pm, after getting home from the pediatrician's office to see why my daughter's rectum turned inside out on Easter Sunday. (Turns out she just needs more water, less milk - who knew???) Oh yeah, these are the things no one warns you about when it comes to motherhood. I mean, I love my daughter more than life itself, but there are some things I just don't need to see. Ever.

Anyway, then I raced home to feed her lunch and get her down for a nap before it was too late in the day, which would result in her having a complete and total meltdown right during dinner. Not to mention my son wanting to nurse non-stop and wanting to be held and, well, oyyy. Oh, and the cat peed on the diaper bag, so now I need to figure out how to get that horrible, rancid cat pee smell out of something that I carry around with me everywhere. I put my wallet, keys, and phone in my son's car seat and left the diaper bag in the car when we went into the pediatrician's office so that she wouldn't think that I let my kids live in utter filth. (It's not utter filth, really, it's just complete disorder. Who has time to clean the house when you're raising two small children?? Seriously. June Cleaver, I'm not.)

My husband said he'd be home today around 5. Am I completely selfish for resenting his calm, adult-filled day at the office? I mean, sure, you've got meetings and annoying co-workers, but no one pees on your briefcase, you don't have to explain about a rectum turned inside out, there isn't spit-up on your shirt , and chances are, you've had a shower in the past five days.

Okay, the baby is still fussing. I'd best go see to him, or I actually WILL be in the running for Worst Mother of the Week.

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