Friday, April 13, 2007

What The...

So the cat is peeing on everything. Everything. I'll be out and about and all of a sudden, I'll catch a whiff of that terrible, familiar scent, and I'll start sniffing everything around me, including my clothes, the kids, the stroller...I must look like a lunatic. Plus, I'm trying to keep from having to explain how and why the cat is peeing on everything to my two-year-old. So when she pipes up and asks with great interest, "Mama, what are you doing?" as I surreptitiously sniff my gym bag, I have to nonchalantly answer "Oh, just looking for something." Yeah, right.

Why is the cat doing this? Why?? Is it because of the new baby? Is it because of the new baby and the toddler and the fact that I have absolutely no time or affection left over by the end of the day for cats? (Or any other creatures for that matter, just ask my husband.) Is the cat food tainted and she's really dying of kidney failure and I'm a terrible kitty mother because I'm letting it happen? I've checked and the cat food we buy isn't on any of the recall lists, but you just gotta wonder sometimes. Sigh. This means I'm going to have to get both our cats into the vet to have it checked out. I so don't have time for this. But then again, I don't want her to be sick while I stand around and bitch about all the peeing, so I guess it's just plain time to go see our beloved vet, Dr. York. If only the veterinary office offered childcare...

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