Thursday, October 18, 2007

And the answer is...

It has come to my attention that when it comes to knowing things about the world, I am woefully inadequate. I may be college educated, but when it comes to my 2-year-old, I don't know crap.

I know a lot of basic information about things, but I don't know why some leaves are green and some are yellow, for instance. I don't know how to explain why I can skip ahead to specific songs that Sabrina wants to hear on CDs but I can't call up certain songs she likes when we're listening to the radio. Think about it - can YOU explain the difference between radio and CDs in terms that a 2-year-old can understand? Yeah, you probably can. I thought I could too, but when I'm sitting there in the car trying to explain why I can't get the radio to play the song she likes but I can make the CD play any song she wants, in any order, well, I do my best, but I feel like I fall short.

When I think about the responsibility of teaching these kids about the world, I feel very small. And unprepared. Thank god there's the internet.

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