Tuesday, October 9, 2007

...but why?

Sabrina has entered that notorious stage where she wants to know 'why' for everything. And I mean everything.

I have to admit, I kind of thought that the stereotype of a kid who asked why over and over and over was just that, a stereotype. I hereby stand corrected. This kid, my kid, wants to know why a leaf is green, why I had cereal for breakfast, why the man on the bicycle wasn't wearing a helmet...and on and on and on. And just when I think I've done a pretty good job of answering her with at least mostly correct information that is condensed into language a 2-year-old can understand and maybe even be a little educational, she still wants to know more. But why? Mama, why?

And yes, oh yes, I trot out the old standard. Old faithful. And I feel little to no guilt in saying it - "Because I said so." You can almost hear my relief when silence typically follows that statement. At least for 30 seconds until something else occurs to her and she wants to know why.

Nathan, meanwhile, can't talk yet, although he does a fine job of babbling. He's such a boy, it's so funny. He doesn't just coo gently like his sister did. No, he lets loose with long strings of big, loud baby talk. He practically yells. And he likes to rock himself back and forth and from side to side and bang on things to make noise. Is this just the beginning? Is he going to be one of those loud, crazy boys who can make anything into a car or a bulldozer, complete with 'vroom vroom' noises, who runs headfirst into anything and anyone, who can be heard yelling over any gaggle of children? Seems that he's well on his way.

Oh, and by the way, he's so not sleeping through the night. He was up every hour last night. Sabrina got in on the game and was up once or twice herself, yelling bloody murder when it was her father who went in instead of me. I resorted to cursing every time Nathan was up again, crying. I felt bad about it this morning - it can't be good to be greeted with profanities when you wake up crying when you're just a baby. But I couldn't help it. I was so tired. So done. My breasts felt nearly flat because he was nursing so often, and there just wasn't anything left in there. I hate being that tired. It's one of the worst feelings in the world.

When we finally do move (oh, don't get me started), Nathan is getting his own room and oh heck yeah, we're doing some sleep training. I use the Sleep Lady Shuffle method - it worked quite well with Sabrina, who is still very good when it comes to falling asleep. But since Nathan still sleeps in our room, I haven't done sleep training. It's just one more reason why we need a new house.

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