Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pumpkins, pumpkins, and more pumpkins

So we decided this weekend that it would be a good idea to take the kids to the Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival, a yearly ritual in the Bay Area that is so popular that it can take over an hour to drive the 7 miles from the highway into the little coastal town that is Half Moon Bay because of all the traffic. In fact, the huge crowds are why we've never done it before, but since we're preparing to leave the area, we figured now was the time. Now or never, right?

Well, never started looking a heck of a lot more appealing once we had finally made our way to Half Moon Bay, snagged a remarkably lucky parking space from a nice old man who was leaving, and walked into the main area of town where the festival was. I have almost never seen so many people packed onto a street, I swear to god. And even though the weather was beautiful and everyone seemed to be in good moods, with loads of people wearing Halloween costumes or colors or pumpkin outfits of one kind or another, it was far too crazy for me.

As John and I reminded ourselves later, we actually don't like street festivals. We don't just really have much use for them, you know? We don't like the folksy art that is being sold at such a festival, I'm not much of a fan of the greasy food cooked in enormous amounts, and I don't like pushing my way through crowds, especially when I have my kids with me. So we worked our way forcibly up one side of the street and back down the other, bypassing every single one of the booths and the food area. We finally stopped at a deli that was on the street, got sandwiches, ate quickly, and then kept on walking back to the car. Not exactly worth the effort of getting there.

So then we drove up a bit further to one of the famous pumpkin patches nearby. And I'll admit, it was gosh darn cute, with scarecrows and pumpkins absolutely everywhere, and they had a train, a hay ride, a petting zoo, a jumpy house, a haunted house, ponies to ride, the whole deal. But they also knew they had you by the tail, because everything cost money to do. And I know this is a business and all, but come on! You can't let the kids pet a duck for free? Oh, please. Have some Halloween spirit, people. Nevertheless, we shelled out money for Sabrina to ride a pony around in a little circle and she loved it. Then we picked out pumpkins for everyone and we were outta there. Nearly $20 poorer, but we were outta there.

Should have just bought a couple of pumpkins at Safeway and called it a day.

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