Saturday, October 6, 2007

We're moving...right?

So this whole selling-our-house thing is starting to seriously wear me out. The market sucks (why oh why couldn't we decide to do this when the market was red hot?), and what I assume is a pretty stressful situation under the best of circumstances is even harder with two small children and two skittish cats. Every time a realtor calls to see the place, I'm invariably out with the kids about 20 minutes from home, and I have to rush them home, park Sabrina in front of the TV, and try to juggle a howling Nathan while I feverishly try to clean the place. Then I have to get Sabrina to move quickly (no easy task with a 2-year-old) to put on her shoes, go potty, put on her jacket, change and feed Nathan, and leave the house again so the realtor can come spend 10 minutes with their clients browsing through our house like it's a rack of clothes at Macy's.

Yeah, I'm kind of done with this whole thing. Not to mention the whole Open House thing on Sundays, where the same manic cleaning needs to be done and then we have to stay out of the house for 3 hours...right during the lunch/naptime portion of our day. Sigh.

In other news, Nathan is 8 months old now. He's so big! I can't get over it and I want time to stop. Can't someone tell me how to make time stop?

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