Friday, January 2, 2009

And the score is...

Day 3 of potty training, and the current score is 2 times of actually making it to the bathroom and going tinkle in the potty (well, all over the potty, but at this point I'm not going to be picky) to 1 million times of going in the undies, on the floor, in the highchair, you name it. Hmmm. Not the best ratio, I realize. But I'm choosing to be pleased with the 2 times we've sat him down on the potty and had success. One of those times, he even TOLD us he had to go. So this is progress from yesterday and if we can keep it up, tomorrow should be even better, and so on and so on.

Here's the potential snag - when I put him down for his nap just now, he felt a little warm to me, and I checked his temp. Somewhere around 99.0, which isn't technically a fever, but if it's on the rise, then something's up. And if he's sick, then potty training seems kind of a lot to ask from him. But I'm a big believer in consistency and sticking to something once you start. So I'm not sure how we'll proceed if he does get sick. Stay tuned.

In other news, I tried to do a quick-and-dirty cleaning of the house this morning (pun intended). If nothing else, the floor definitely needed mopping and the bathrooms needed cleaning, what with all the piddling going on. So I whipped through as much as I could, but the rest of the house still needs to be vacuumed, etc., etc. And when I went downstairs to grab a drink in between putting Nathan down for his nap and dealing with Sabrina and her own petty refusals to go down for her quiet time, the lunch dishes were still sitting on the kitchen table and everything was still out. John had disappeared downstairs to watch TV once the kids were supposedly put down. I know he saw the dishes, he had lunch with us, he knew they were there. Why couldn't he have cleaned up the food and put the dishes in the dishwasher? I get so tired of being the one who is constantly cleaning up around here. John can just hang out in all the mess and be just fine. And I can do that too, to an extent. Then I get tired of the mess and just have to clean it up. However, this time, instead of dealing with the dishes myself, I simply had to walk away and tell myself they'll be there later on. At some point, even I need a break.


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