Monday, January 12, 2009

Do you need to go potty?

No? You sure? Okay, okay, but I'm just going to have to ask you again in 5 minutes because it has been like 10 minutes since you last went, and I swear, you have the bladder the size of a pea.

What's this you say? You're not my small son? The one with the bladder the size of a pea? Hmm, sorry about that. I get into this rhythm of either asking or whisking him away to the potty every 10 minutes or so, and it just kind of gets under your skin. Makes you start looking at others and wondering if THEY need to go potty. And if they just so happen to be an adult with a child about the same age of yours, how long THEIR offspring can wait between piddles.

Yeah, it's exciting all right. My world is, if not entirely, mostly consumed with pee. And when it will happen. And how it will happen. And if it will happen right after I have asked if it needs to happen. Or in the highchair. You get the idea.

I can't even think of anything interesting going on in this manic world of ours that's as fascinating as potty training. Yes, I'm being sarcastic. But for you folks who have gone through potty training, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. And for those of you who haven't but will, all I have to offer you is a sympathetic and knowing smile.

And to ask, do you need to go potty? Really? You sure? Want to at least try?

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