Thursday, January 1, 2009

Tinkle, Tinkle, Little Star

Happy New Year, everyone. I'm curious - how many of you parents out there actually stay up until midnight any more? I think we've only done it once since Sabrina was born 4 years ago, and I'm not even positive about that...I'm wondering if my memory is making it up so that I won't feel like such a dork, because I can't stay up past 10pm these days. Last night, we didn't even bother with the pretense. John made a rather fabulous fondue dinner for us after we put the kids down, then we cleaned up and went upstairs and climbed into bed. Why bother pretending? We were both asleep by 10 and although we both woke up briefly to the sounds of happy revelers at midnight, it didn't last...and neither did we.

Anyway, in the spirit of the new year and all that, we started potty training Nathan yesterday. He's almost 23 months, which is either very early or late in the whole potty training thing, depending on your point of view. Our pediatrician had us start potty training Sabrina when she was 18 months, and she was totally potty trained at age 2. So in light of that, we're late to the gate with Nathan. But of course, everyone tells me that boys do it later and I know some 3-year-olds who are struggling with it. So who knows?

Right now, it's a lot like having a puppy around - there are a lot of puddles on the floor. Not to mention the continuous laundering of little boy undies. And Nathan rather merrily will allow us to take him to the potty, take off the sodden undies, place him on the toilet, clean him up, put on new undies, and keep on going. I'm not sure the connection is really being made. Although he did poop in the potty this morning, he kind of started going in his undies before we made it to the bathroom and he finished up there. I keep reminding myself that the first few days of any new skill are the hardest...and that he'll catch on. We just have to be consistent. And in the meantime, the sight of my little guy toddling around in his tidy whiteys is pretty darn funny and totally worthwhile.

So we'll see. He may catch on to this quickly, or it might be hilariously slow. Not sure which way it will go yet. But hey, it's a new year, right? So I'm guessing he'll be potty trained sometime in 2009. (364 days to go.)

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