Monday, January 26, 2009

The results are in...

...and apparently, nothing is wrong with me.

Things had gotten progressively worse with the whole 'need to go to the bathroom' issue, until yesterday, when I literally was heading for the restroom every 5 minutes or less. Still no pain or anything, but the urge was non-stop.

Now you girls (and compassionate husbands/boyfriends/brothers/fathers, etc.) know that when you have a UTI, you have the same problem. Can't stop needing to go. So I finally called the hospital, because of course it was Sunday afternoon and the clinic was closed. How often do you have a medical issue that happens when your doctor is actually available, I ask you?? Anyway, I got put through to Labor and Delivery, where a very friendly-sounding resident informed me that yes, it sounded like a UTI and no, she couldn't prescribe anything over the phone. I had to come in. Never mind that the hospital is 45 minutes away and I didn't really want to go in to Labor and Delivery, just for a UTI. But it didn't matter. Once I had spoken with the doc, who took down my name, I kind of had to go.

So I made the drive, went in, got put into a triage room in the Labor and Delivery floor, all the while feeling like a fool. I must have seemed like one, too, because I was a little antsy and yup, you guessed it, I had to go to the bathroom. The nurse was nice, had me provide a urine sample, checked the baby's heartbeat, etc., etc. Then she disappeared, and awhile later, a nice resident came in.

The UTI test came back negative, it seemed, so now it was time to check for amniotic fluid or anything else scary or bad. I'll spare you the details of the exam (never fun), but basically, those tests came back negative too.

So what's wrong with me? No one knows, although gentle hints about urinary incontinence were banded about. I felt like such. a. fool. Here I was, not even 6 months pregnant yet, in the Labor and Delivery floor, with what was amounting to a common and typical pregnancy symptom - the need to pee.

Aaarrrgh. I still feel slightly ashamed, as if I should have just waited and let the misery continue until today when the clinic was open. Of course, they would have had me come in too, and they're literally next door to the hospital, so the drive would have been the same.

But still. John keeps saying it was better that we were safe, because UTIs can be bad in pregnant women, and in many ways, it really seemed like that was what I had. Still does, to be honest.

Needless to say, I'm not looking forward to seeing my doctor at the next visit, a sharp and to-the-point woman who definitely gives me the impression that she's not expecting such foolishness from a woman who has been pregnant before.

Sigh. And you know what? I still have to pee.

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