Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Moments of grace

So today was a good day to be a mommy, at least around my house. You get these days occasionally, and it's totally a thing of grace, because it reminds you how great your kids are and how much you enjoy being a mother. And why you're doing all this anyway. After a day like yesterday, which was kind of rough, it's a sweet thing indeed.

We told Sabrina this morning that I am going to have another baby, and she hasn't stopped talking about it all day. She is SO excited. She keeps wanting to see my belly and hug it, and has all sorts of plans about how she can help when the baby comes. And of course, lots of questions about what babies need and what they do. At one point, she asked what new babies eat, and I was explaining nursing to her, which really isn't a foreign concept, since she was nursed and she saw me nurse Nathan for nearly a year and a half. "Oh, yeah, Mommy," she said, "I know all about it. The baby will suck on your nickels, and that is how he will eat." LOL. I did go ahead and correct her and tell her that the right word was "nipples," but somehow, I'd rather she keep saying "nickles." The only bummer for her at this point is how long it will be until the baby is born. 4 months is an eternity when you're that small.

In other news, Nathan actually had a good day with potty training. We went ahead and hauled out the ol' potty chair last night, hoping that something smaller and more interesting than the actual porcelain throne itself might encourage him, and sure enough! He did a great job going in the potty (it plays music when the deed is accomplished, which thrilled him no end), and the only accident he had was in his pull-up when we were at the gym. And I knew that one was going to happen, because he didn't want to go potty at home before we left, and an hour plus is too long for him to wait. So I didn't mind that much.

And, lest you think all I care about is whether the kid has peed in the pot or not, he had a great day in general, all happy and funny and sweet. He's really getting big and smart, asking lots of questions and talking up a storm. I can't believe he'll be two in less than a month. My baby! Oh, it just tugs at my heart.

So between happy kids and a decent night's sleep last night, today was a good day in motherhood. I'm feeling satisfied and warm and fuzzy. I wonder how long I can get it to last...?

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