Monday, January 5, 2009

One step forward, two puddles back...

So we've hit the inevitable - setbacks in potty training. After a few days of continued improvement, Nathan has started to rebel, saying "No!" every time we ask if he needs go to potty and nearly throwing himself off of the potty if we take him anyway. He has even learned how to stiffen his body so it is basically impossible to sit him down on the toilet.

So I've had to take a deep breath (or ten) and allow for him to go back to piddling on the floor and his undies, even if I've just offered to take him to the bathroom and he said no. It's frustrating because he was doing so well, but I know intellectually that forcing him to go when he doesn't want to will only make things worse. And we do not need for things to be worse.

I did take an extra trip to the store today to sweeten the deal and buy new, exciting stickers to use as incentive. He was all about the stickers when we bought them, but has since decided they are simply not worth the effort of actually going potty to earn. So they remain in their packages on the counter.

It's also hard because Sabrina was a fantastic potty-trainer and yes, I know I shouldn't compare my children, and yes, I know that boys tend to be harder to train. But I can't help but remember her smooth and constant curve upwards towards success when it comes to this whole thing. Unless I'm just conveniently forgetting the setbacks and problems we had and only remembering the good parts? Entirely possible.

Meanwhile, John went back to work from Christmas break today and Sabrina returns to school tomorrow. The kids and I lurched back into our old routine with creakiness this morning but we're managing. It was just so much easier to have John around all the time to help and to talk to. When's that winning lottery ticket going to come in so he can just quit his job for good?

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